Finally! AI that understands your code personalized to you Highest rated AI app Highest rated AI app Product Hunt #3 Product of the Week Watch demo Trusted by 100K+ d...
Codeium offers best in class AI code completion, search, and chat — all for free. It supports over 70+ languages and integrates with your favorite IDEs, with lightning fast speeds and state-of-the-art suggestion quality.
扣子是新一代 AI 大模型智能体开发平台。整合了插件、长短期记忆、工作流、卡片等丰富能力,扣子能帮你低门槛、快速搭建个性化或具备商业价值的智能体,并发布到豆包、飞书等各个平台。
豆包是你的AI 聊天智能对话问答助手,写作文案翻译情感陪伴编程全能工具。豆包为你答疑解惑,提供灵感,辅助创作,也可以和你畅聊任何你感兴趣的话题
GitHub Copilot works alongside you directly in your editor, suggesting whole lines or entire functions for you.
JetBrains Grazie:软件团队的写作和沟通助手